Drain Mapping
When carrying out large site drainage surveys, quite often there are drains that are not shown on the drawings supplied or there is just not enough information on where the drain outfalls are.
Drain locating & mapping
The difficulty in obtaining this information is that nothing is visible. This occurs frequently on sites where the drainage system has been altered and been added to over the years.
The diagram shows that by using a specific digital locator we can detect and trace the drain precisely. The sonde which emits the frequency can also be used in tandem with a video camera to enable visual inspection.
This information can then be added to the supplied drawing giving a complete true layout of the drainage system.
Why choose Drain Technology?
- Over 30 years of combined experience
- Our expert team on call 24/7
- Your one-stop, complete service
- Using the latest technology we can undertake large and small projects
- Competitive rates
- Rural locations are accessible

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